Choosing a waterfront property can be a little more complicated than just a beautiful view.
From canal depths and widths to actual trip time to reach the open waters of Charlotte Harbor or the Gulf, We have your answers with over 25 years of local marine contracting experience with a marine consultant on staff.
- Dock and boat lift construction can be expensive at times. It stands to reason that all subterraneous conditions are not the same.
- Some of our local waterways are composed of very different terrain and may require the penetration of rock when installing or extending a dock.
- Installation of piling, docks, and boat lifts can be achieved, but only with expensive drilling equipment. It pays well to know which properties are going to incur these additional fees.
Making a home purchase shouldn’t have surprise elements when upgrading your personal boating needs.
Knowing of possible costs on this matter can be reflected in your offer so as not to set you back in the future of your waterfront upgrades.
The right information could save you 10,000.00 easily.